Principles of Finance

Please register for this lecture in HISinOne! The registration is open from May 11th, 2020.


taught by Prof. Dr. Eva Lütkebohmert-Holtz

Content                  The lecture introduces the basic principles of asset pricing and the valuation of contingent claims in both complete and incomplete market models.
Date Lecture
Videos for the lecture will be provided on weekly basis on ILIAS

Start date
Monday, May 11th 2020
PrerequisiteAdvanced Microeconomics I

120 minutes written exam.

Please find the current examination dates on the examination office's homepage.

For a correct identification, please bring your UniCard AND your ID to the exam.

For details on the registration and the registration period for the first exam, please also look at the websites of the examination offices of Economics and Mathematics for further information!


Course materials will be available on ILIAS. In the first week of the lecture (May 11th-17th, 2020) you'll be able to register for the course without a password. From the second week on the access will be only possible with a password, which will be send to you by e-mail after registering in the first week.


The lecture is open for M.Sc. Economics, B.Sc. and M.Sc. Mathematics, M.Sc. VWL and diploma students in their advanced study period.

In M.Sc. Economics, the course can be credited in the profile "Finance".

In M.Sc. Mathematics, the course can be credited for the special profile "Finanzmathematik" or as an elective.

In B.Sc. Mathematics, the course can be credited as an elective.

In M.Sc. VWL, the course can be credited for

  • VWL-Theorie (examination regulations from 2011)

  • Accounting, Finance, and Taxation (new examination regulations, valid from winter term 2014/2015)

In M.Sc. BWL, the course can be credited as elective course Volkswirtschaftslehre.

For VWL Diplom, the course can be credited in "Finanzmärkte und -management" or "Finanz- und Rechnungswesen".



taught by Miguel Herculano

Date Tutorial

Tuesdays, 4-6pm, virtual through Adobe Connect                       
First meeting
Tuesday, May 19th, 2020


Additional Tutorials

taught by Tianjiao Zhu


Chinese: Mondays, 8-10am, virtual live chat in ILIAS
First meeting is expected to be on Monday, May 25th, 2020
Last meeting is expected to be on Monday, July 27th, 2020   


English: Fridays, 2-4pm, virtual chat room Adobe Connect in ILIAS
First meeting is expected to be on Friday, May 29th, 2020
Last meeting is expected to be on Friday, July 31st, 2020                                             


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