Finance, climate change, and the global energy transition


taught by Prof. Dr. Eva Lütkebohmert-Holtz, Dr. Mirko Schäfer, Miguel Herculano

  • Scenarios for climate change and for the transition to a low-carbon economy
  • The role of climate change and the energy transition for financial stability
  • The interplay between policy, investment dynamics, and technological development
  • Classification of sustainable investments and assessment of climate-related risks
  • The impact of the energy transition on capital markets
  • The fossil fuel divestment movement

After successful completion of the course, the student is able to:

  • Describe scenarios for climate change and for the transformation to a low-carbon economy
  • Discuss current global trends for the investment in low-carbon energy systems
  • Relate climate risks and policy risks to systemic risk in financial systems
  • Communicate key points from current reports and scientific articles covering the global energy transition, climate risks, and their relation to the financial system 


Always from 2:15pm to 3:45pm

03. AND 04. November 2020
01. AND 02. December 2020
08. AND 09. December 2020
15. AND 16. December 2020
12. AND 13. January 2021
19. AND 20. January 2021
26. AND 27. January 2021

The seminar is taking place virtually in the zoom meeting room on ILIAS.                                                                         

First Meeting
03. AND 04. November 2020
The participation in those two first meetings is obligatory. Non-appearance will be seen as a withdrawal from the seminar and your place will be given to another student.



Bewerbung &

The number of participants for this seminar is limited. Applications for the seminar can be send until October 11th, 2020 here.

Please send your application together with:

  • Course / Year of Study
  • Matriculation Number
  • Current Transcript

Written report and oral presentation.

 Course materials will be available on ILIAS. The password necessary to register for the course on ILIAS will be given in the first lecture!



The seminar can be credited as follows:

In M.Sc. Economics in the profile "Finance";

In M.Sc. VWL according to the examination regulations 2014 in "Accounting, Finance, and Taxation",

In M.Sc. Mathematik as an elective in economics (wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Wahlpflichtmodul) within the profile "Finanzmathematik.

  • „A call for action – Climate change as a source of financial risk”, Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS), 2019
  • „Annual Review 2018-2019“, Carbon Tracker, 2019
  • „World Energy Investment 2020“, International Energy Agency (IEA), 2020
  • “Climate change challenges for central banks and financial regulators”, E. Camiglio et al., Nature Climate Change 8, 462-468, 2018


Further literature will be announced in the course.


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