Research Assistant Position in Quantitative Finance

The Department of Quantitative Finance (chaired by Prof. Dr. Eva Lütkebohmert-Holtz) at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg im Breisgau invites applications for a


Research Assistant position (Post-doctoral or PhD)

in the area of Financial Economics or Mathematical Finance.


Post-doctoral position:

The appointment (75% TV-L E13, Baden-Württemberg scale) will be made starting October 1st, 2022, or later for 2 years and is prolongable to 6 years. Teaching duty is 3 contact hours per week.

Applicants should have completed a PhD in economics, mathematical finance or statistics before starting the contract. Experience in data work and implementation in the software R or MATLAB is highly appreciated.


PhD students:

The appointment (50% TV-L E13, Baden-Württemberg scale) will be made starting October 1st, 2022, or later for 2 years and is prolongable to 4 years. Teaching duty is 2 contact hours per week.

Applicants should have completed an above-average degree in economics, mathematics, or statistics. Experience in data work and implementeation in the software R or MATLAB is highly appreciated.


Successful candidates are supposed to participate in the teaching program of the department and to collaborate with the research group of Prof. Dr. Eva Lütkebohmert-Holtz. Some topics of particular interest for the department in the next years are: market, credit and liquidity risk, systemic risk and financial stability, model uncertainty, the impact of climate risk on financial markets, etc. The possibility to present own research results on international conferences is provided. Good English language skills are indispensable. Knowledge of German is not required but advantageous.


The University of Freiburg is an equal opportunity employer. Women are particularly encouraged to apply for the position. Candidates must already be authorized to work in Germany.

Applications including a letter of motivation, CV with education details, list of publications, documentation of teaching experience and relevant certificates are welcome until August 31st, 2022.

Post-doctoral candidates should include two letters of reference sent by the referees directly to 


Please, send applications to:


Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg

Institute for Economic Research

Department of Quantitative Finance
Prof. Dr. Eva Lütkebohmert-Holtz
Rempartstr. 16
79098 Freiburg


or electronically to:


Further information about the Department of Quantitative Finance can be found at:


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