Postbank Finance Award 2015
On Friday, June 26th, 2015 the paper submitted by a student team of the University of Freiburg, supervised by Prof. Dr. Eva Lütkebohmert-Holtz, has won the third prize at the Postbank Finance Award. The Postbank Finance Award is the most generously funded competition in the field of banking and finance among German universities. This year, the question of the competition which had to be discussed in the submitted papers was "Auswege aus dem Zinsdilemma - hat Geldanlage eine Zukunft?" (ways out of the interest rate dilemma - does money investment still have a future?). The interdisciplinary team of the University of Freiburg, consisting of Danjela Guxha, Mariia Markovych, Daria Saulenko (M.Sc. Economics) and Christiane Müller (M.Sc. Mathematics), investigated how institutional investors can increase their returns by investing in illiquid assets.
Further, the essay "Die Zinskrise oder wie Fynns Vater eine Autobahn kaufte" (the interest crisis or how Fynn's father bought a motorway) additionally written by the team won the WELT Finance Essay Award. This special prize is awarded for essays of high journalistic quality which explain complex economic issues in an interesting and entertaining way.
Link to the press release (in German) of the Postbank:
Link to the online article of Welt (in German, together with download links to the submitted paper and essay of the Freiburg team):